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District Office and Apple Blossom Office

Twin Hills Charter Middle School

California Distinguished School

Twin Hills Charter Middle School

Apple Blossoms

Apple Blossom Office and Breezway

Apple Blossom 

Apple Blossom School

Apple Blossom Lower Playground

Upper Playground at Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom Winter Garden

Apple Blossom Visitors 

Orchard View Campus


Orchard View Solar Canopy

Waldorf Inspired Charter School

Woodworking at SunRidge

SunRidge Lunch Area

SunRidge Spring Season

SunRige Super Slide



Twin Hills School District provides exemplary educational opportunities for all student learners who attend our schools. The district, nestled in the beautiful hills of western Sonoma County, and famous for the apples and vineyards, has four uniquely different schools. The school environments are friendly, supportive, and safe for children of all ages. Every child is an individual and every child is important. Families are welcome at our schools and parents are valuable partners in the education of the children and students. The schools have strong academic programs: including reading, mathematics, science, technology, language, and history-social studies. District schools provide an abundance of enrichment programs, including band, music, art, dance, and drama. The middle school has a strong athletic program and physical education is alive and well at all schools.
Teachers are highly qualified and there is a great degree of collegiality among teachers, administrators, and staff. The focus is on students, and how we best serve the students, our clients. Class sizes are excellent and there is no reduction in student instructional days. In fact, because of enrollment growth, new teachers have been hired, programs added or expanded, and our school campuses maintained in an exemplary fashion.
Twin Hills School District is solar powered to reduce our carbon footprint and to save a significant amount of expense on electrical costs. Many students actively participate in each school’s organic garden and composting programs. Environmental science is an integral part of the curriculum.

Which school is right for you? Our two traditional academic schools, Apple Blossom (TK-5) and Twin Hills Charter Middle School (6-8), offer strong academics in a supportive environment supplemented by an ever-expanding menu of enrichment programs. Orchard View School (TK-12) provides students and their families with curriculum support as well as supplemental academics and arts programs to draw upon per their individual needs. SunRidge Charter School offers an integrated Waldorf methods program that combines rigorous academics with integrated arts, sciences, and enrichment (Tk-8)


Vision Mission and Goals


Our Vision is a community where all children feel loved, respected, welcomed, and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.
Our mission is to work together to build a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment focused on maximizing each child’s sense of well-being and acquiring skills for life and learning.
1.   Academics
Each of our four schools is conducive to learning in its unique way.
We have implemented effective teaching methods such that the academic progress of our students improves annually and compares favorably to neighboring districts. The curriculum offers arts and enrichment opportunities comparable to or greater than neighboring districts.
2.    School Culture
Our students' social and emotional learning improves annually and compares favorably to neighboring districts and county-wide. Students feel safe and supported to learn and grow. Nourishing food is available; physical activity is promoted. Facilities are well-maintained, comfortable, and appropriate for learning. Students of all demographics, language, and ability groups are supported.
3.    Enrollment
The number of children enrolled at the four schools remains stable or increases. Attendance rates meet or exceed county-wide rates.
4.     Work Culture
Our teachers and staff are very satisfied with their working conditions and the support they receive so that we can maintain a steady workforce and they can be more effective educators.
5.    Finances
The District operates in a financially sustainable manner. The District’s administrative services are cost-effective and reflect best practices among similar-sized Districts. The District incorporates emerging best practices on an ongoing basis, leading to annual increases in the percentage of revenue spent in the classroom.
6.     Community Engagement:
Engage with parents, community members, and stakeholders to build support and trust. Prioritize efforts to involve the community in decision-making and communication.

News & Announcements

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Interdistrict Agreements are valid only for the school year/s granted. Permits expire at the end of the duration granted by both districts, and must be renewed prior to expiration.

Los Acuerdos Interdistritales son validos solo para el/los ano/s escolar/es concedido/s. Los permisos vencen al final de la duracion otorgada por ambos distritos y deben renovarse antes de su vencimiento.

Read More about Interdistrict Transfers Transferencias enter distritos
Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is one of the first steps California’s youngest learners take in their academic careers—and new updates to education policy now make it possible to serve more children in TK! On, you can learn more about TK, as well as receive valuable, easy-to-use support and tips for teaching and administering high-quality TK that will get your young learners off to a strong start! 

Read More about Transitional Kindergarten

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