Twin Hills Apple Blossom Educational Foundation
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Ways to donate to the foundation while you shop:
Please sign up for ESCRIP and earn money while shopping at local businesses such as Fircrest, Pacific Market, and Oliver's. Sign up and add our group ID 500548660
Sign up for Basementeers and earn money while shopping at Sports Basement. Sign up at There is a one time membership fee. Choose Twin Hills Apple Blossom Educational Foundation as your non-profit charity.
Twin Hills Apple Blossom Educational Foundation
The Twin Hills Apple Blossom Educational Foundation (THABEF) welcomes you to the 2023/2024 school year. The Foundation is an all-volunteer group led by parents, caregivers and educators committed to enriching students’ educational experience at Twin Hills Charter Middle School and Apple Blossom School. Our mission is to raise funds for enrichment programs, elective classes, and community building activities, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success.
We help to fund programs including Art, Music, Garden, Culinary Arts, Drama, Photography, Video Production, and Spanish. As well as supporting 5th grade PEEC trip, Songs Across America, Cheetah Folders, BINGO Night, Farm To Table Culinary Arts Initiative, and Teacher Appreciation Week.
In order to fund these amazing enrichment programs, elective classes, and community building activities, we ask for an annual donation of $180 per child. This is not required but strongly encouraged. It can be made all at once OR on a monthly basis. Although, we offer a suggested donation guideline of $180 per child, please know any amount helps! We aim for 100% participation and appreciate your contribution at whatever level feels right for your family.
- Halloween Carnival (October)
- Spring Event (April)
- Online Auction (May)
- Teacher Appreciation Week (May)
- Various Dine and Donates
- Skate Night
- And More!
Get Involved
- Pay your annual donation of $180/child
- Attend our monthly meeting (2nd Wednesday of the month)
- Volunteer your time
Foundation Board Members:
Chairperson - Amy Ryan
Vice Chairperson - Sarah Erickson
Recording & Correspondence Secretary - Kelsey Correia
Treasurer - Dennis Rosatti
Co treasurer - Michelle Ritchardson
To Contact Us:
700 Watertrough Road
Sebastopol, Ca,
THABEF Agendas and Minutes
THABEF Newsletters
THABEF Fundraisers
The Rewind Arcade - February 29th
Halloween Carnival - October 28th