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Interdistrict Agreements are valid only for the school year/s granted. Permits expire at the end of the duration granted by both districts, and must be renewed prior to expiration.

Los Acuerdos Interdistritales son validos solo para el/los ano/s escolar/es concedido/s. Los permisos vencen al final de la duracion otorgada por ambos distritos y deben renovarse antes de su vencimiento.

Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is one of the first steps California’s youngest learners take in their academic careers—and new updates to education policy now make it possible to serve more children in TK! On, you can learn more about TK, as well as receive valuable, easy-to-use support and tips for teaching and administering high-quality TK that will get your young learners off to a strong start!